Welcome to Onyx Graphics

On this page you will find the information you need to contact us. You may contact Onyx
Graphics by; Phone, Emails, ICQ, AOL-IM's, MSn Messenger, or Snail Mail . Our offices are
open from 10:00am - 4:00pm EST Monday through Thursday, Please call only during these hours
for general questions. For support issues or if you are already an Onyx Graphics member,
go to our Members Section for Priority Support.
Our contact email is available 24 hours a day, and usually gets a response within
12-24 hours, that requires a response during the normal work week (Monday - Thursday).
On the weekends (Friday - Monday morning) and the holidays, our response time maybe a
little slower. All replies from weekend and holidays emails will be sent out on Mondays.
Onyx Graphics does not prefer to use Faxes, if you wish to send us a Fax, you may, but
we do prefer either phone calls or emails.
For more detail information or for a direct way to reach us, use one of the following
- Go to Our Calendar to see what days we are open and production schedule.
- Go to our FeedBack Form to send in your comments or questions directly to us.
- Go to our Support Form to request immediate support.
- Go to our Message Board to post your comments.
- Go to our FAQ Section to look for answers to your questions.
- Go to our Member Sign Up Page, to join Onyx Graphics.
- Or, use the information below to send us an email or to contact us.

Below some of the ways you may contact us:
Office & Phone Hours: 10am - 4:00pm, Monday - Thursday
You may also contact us by mail at:
P.O. Box 555 , Belleville, New Jersey 07109
Office Hours: 10:00am to 4:00 PM , Monday - Thrusday

We hope you'll decide to use Onyx Graphics as your WebSite Developer, Web Host,
Web Consultants or for your Web Maintenance. We'll help you in planning, we'll
save you money as you set up your organization or business on the Web, and we'll
work with you over the next few months to keep you updated and, hopefully,
prosperous. We look forward to working with you. Let us help you to create an
award winning web site. If you have any questions or would like to know more
about us, please go to our Contact Page or send an email to:

Thank You for Interest in Onyx Graphics